Blogger Widgets The Kaye Confessions: Birthdays


Tuesday, September 13


I can't wait! My birthday is on the 27th. The weekend before (23rd to the 25th), I am going back to my hometown and hanging out with my old BFF'S, Tori, Carolin and Topen! We are going to the boardwalk with Tori's older (and I mean as in over 21) sister Jenni the night of the 23rd, then all of us are sleeping over Tori's. On the 24th, all of us (including two other girls, Aubry (my doll Aubry is based off her, she also has leukemia) and Maddison and Tori's little sister Emmaleigh) are going to this place called "The Outlets". It has tons of usually big stores that are in the shape of small stores. There's a Justice, a Claires and this cute little shop (I don't wanna say the name, because it would kinda give out where I lived) where they sell all these cute little things like key chains, necklaces and even doll house furniture! It's tiny though. There's also this cute little bakery that we love. It has bacon cheddar scones and sweet and salty cookies! It will be so fun! I can't wait! After the outlets, we're going to Maddison and Aubry's (yes, twins) house for another sleepover. That morning, I'm packing my car up and heading home. And all of this is just for me! I feel so loved.

Au Revior, Kaye

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