Blogger Widgets The Kaye Confessions: 4/1/12 - 5/1/12


Saturday, April 21

and everything comes crashing down.

I'm crying now, so if there is and grammar or spelling mistakes, please don't point them out. My mom lost the baby. She had a miscarriage. AND my parents are getting divorced. Au Revior, Kaye

Sunday, April 8

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter guys! What did the Easter bunny bring YOU? He gave me and my sisters each our own special gift (including my not born yet baby sister! I'll announce her name at the end of this post.)! We all (except baby sister) got 2 Pez dispensers, a Russell Stover chocolate bunny, 2 Milky Way Bunnies, Recee's Cup eggs and a M&M egg! But here's our special gifts! From youngest to oldest, I'll start with my baby sister.

Baby Sister got a cute little straw sunhat! (She's due July 26, beach season!)

Penney got an outfit for her stuffed elephant, Gracie! Gracie is a "boy", so he got a baseball shirt.

Nina (I haven't mentioned that Kimmy and Nina are twins!) got a shirt with the Skittles logo on it! It's red. Nina LOVES Skittles.

Kimmy got some hair clip ins! They're colored hair basically.

Aisha got a new soccer ball! She plays soccer on a travel team.

and I got Ron's Wand (from Harry Potter). It's from The Noble Colection!

Finally, the baby's name!

The baby's name is....

Jenna Victoria!

Au Revior, Kaye

Sunday, April 1

a sad note.

I'm selling all my American Girl dolls.
I'm just not that into them anymore. The only one I'm not selling is Sara-Marie, my first doll. The prices are listed here:

Nicki (wigless): $75
Molly: $95 (no glasses)
Julie: $100
Ruthie: $80 (not in great condition)
Samantha: $120
Nellie: $120
Zoey: $100
Felicity $110
Elizabeth: $115
Aj: $115 (includes glasses)
Josefina: $100

APRIL FOOLS! Happy April Fool's day!

Au Revior, Kaye