Blogger Widgets The Kaye Confessions: 10/1/12 - 11/1/12


Thursday, October 4


Hey guys, Kaye here. A lot of things have happened since my last post. 1. I started school, which is great! 2. Met a ton of new friends, like (these are not their actual names) Morgan, Teagan, and Randall! 3. My birthday came (september 27) 4. I got a laptop. 5. And two days ago I broke my foot! So, the broken foot story. I was in PE (and all of you guys know that PE and balance are NOT my strong suits) and we were doing these things called mountain climbers. Well, being the klutz I am, I slipped and my ankle kinda went in a funny way. I was crying and my PE teacher took me to the nurse. The nurse said it wasn't swollen or puffy so she gave me an aspirin and made me sit out the rest of gym. It was really hurting so I went back after I ate my lunch. She wrapped it up in an Ace bandage and let me go. I came home that day, let it air out, and went to sleep. THE NEXT DAY The nurse checked in with me the next morning. It was starting to hurt after lunch, but the nurse's helper (being mean) said I had to go and get a pass from my MPP teacher (multi-purpose period). So I came back and the nurse gave me aspirin and some ice. THIS MORNING We hadn't gone to the doctor yet because it felt like all I did was sprain my ankle. But this morning, my ankle was hurting like MAD, so we went to the ER. They said it might be broken so they put it in a temporary cast until I went to see an orthopedic doctor. He said there was a hairline fracture and a cracked bone. So he put it in a cast (IT'S HOT PINK!) and my mom and my dad signed it. We're waiting until my sisters get home to sign it. I have a picture of what it looks like (it's not mine though)
Au Revior, Kaye