Blogger Widgets The Kaye Confessions: Need For Read


Thursday, July 21

Need For Read

This post is called "Need For Read" because it means something. Need For Read is my local library's summer reading group. Every year, the person who reads the most books gets a special present. This year, for the boys, is an $75 dollar gift card to a sporting goods store. The girls present is always wrapped. Ms. Harriet (the librarian) showed us girls the present wrapped up. I studied it carefully. The box was about like 20 inches long and maybe 6 inches across. I know that box shape. I own 11 of them. Do you have a picture in your mind? If you own an American Girl doll, you definately do. Three words came to my mind when I saw it-AMERICAN GIRL DOLL. I'm not sure who,but it will probably be a historical doll like Josefina or Addy, or Kanani, since this year's theme for Need To Read is "One World Many Stories". I need to read. So far I've read 3 books,because it's only the first week. But I checked out 2 AG books for this, one of Molly's mysteries and Good Job Kanani. So cheer me on,fellow followers!
Au Revior,

(PS-don't leave comments on this post like "what if it's not an AG?" or "It's not an AG doll." please. I already know it might not be an AG doll)