Blogger Widgets The Kaye Confessions: a sad note.


Sunday, April 1

a sad note.

I'm selling all my American Girl dolls.
I'm just not that into them anymore. The only one I'm not selling is Sara-Marie, my first doll. The prices are listed here:

Nicki (wigless): $75
Molly: $95 (no glasses)
Julie: $100
Ruthie: $80 (not in great condition)
Samantha: $120
Nellie: $120
Zoey: $100
Felicity $110
Elizabeth: $115
Aj: $115 (includes glasses)
Josefina: $100

APRIL FOOLS! Happy April Fool's day!

Au Revior, Kaye

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I KNEW IT!!!!!! Phew, I was hoping it wasn't true!
