Blogger Widgets The Kaye Confessions: Really sad.


Sunday, November 6

Really sad.

My best, best friend (I know I've talked about Ashley before, but this is my best,best friend) Brandon recently just lost his dad. I am really sad, and so is Brandon. Please send prayers to Brandon's family! Our families are really close. Me and Brandon are 3 months apart exactly (Sept. 27 and Dec. 27) and are BEST friends. On my mom's Facebook (we use our mom's to chat), (word by word) I asked him "So sorry for you...let me know if u need anything" and he said "im just really sad and im holding my pain in a iron shell". I'm really sad.

Au Revior,
a sad Kaye 

1 comment:

  1. That is so sad! I am so sorry! I will be praying.

