Blogger Widgets The Kaye Confessions: 1/1/13 - 2/1/13


Saturday, January 19

How To Survive Having No Wifi!

Long time no blog! I made a tumblr (it's a personal one for me and my friends so I can't share), and I've been so busy with school, that I couldn't blog! And recently, my family has been planning our trip to Disney World in August (I'm in charge of finances)! I've been CRAZY busy. And Valentine's Day weekend, I'm going to the Poconos to snowtube. But I have Nowifiandmycousinsareannoyingmeaboutthemwantingtoplayonmydevicesaphobia. So here's my 5 tips of coping with it. 1. Download a ton of no-wifi apps, like Minecraft, Survivalcraft, Happy Fall, Doodle Jump, Temple Run (Temple Run 2 just came out!), and apps where you can make funny photos, like where you can stretch out faces and put mustaches on people. 2. READ! Reading is a great activity! 3. Practice those gymnastics! (I finally got my cast off so I'm getting back to doing great heel stretches.) 4. Listen and Dance to music! Practice those dance class dances! Show your family! 5. Watch all the Harry Potter movies front to back. Auf Wiedersehen (I'm taking German in school, soo yeah.) Kaye