Blogger Widgets The Kaye Confessions: 9/1/11 - 10/1/11


Wednesday, September 28


Guess what? I AM GETTING A NEW DOLL!!!!!! I am so excited! Please vote on this poll over here>>>>>>
on which doll to get. I have 75 dollars in just birthday money. If AG Dolls were sold at Target, I would be able to buy one this instant! (I have a gift card to Target for 25$) I AM SO EXCITED!!! If you can please pass on the news to your other blogging buddies I would be ecstatic!


Au Revior, Kaye

Tuesday, September 27


I'm writing a realistic fiction story,and I can't decide the character names or a title! Comment a title and your picks for each category.

Karla Mason
Narelle Flynn
Grace McCartney
Desiree Morales
Nicole Romero

Mary Franklin
Mercedes LaPierre
Angelique Jones
Connie LeCarre
Colleen Finelli

Jenna VonBuehler
Kathleen Lloyd
Sarah Halliburton
Gale Hammond
Bethany Rothenburg

Lucille Van Dyke
Hope Nguyen
Anita Wang
Sophia MacAlliston
Magdalene McSkinee (Mic-sky-nee)

Annabel Mulderhorn
Elaine Tate
Kate Mulrooney
Jaime-Ross Orlovsky
Jasmine Evans

Kristine Mason
Ronette Flynn
Ilene McCartney
Angela Morales
Maureen Romero


Au Revior, Kaye

Today I Get to Make a Mess!

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! Not my sisters, not my cousins, not my moms....IT'S MINE!!! My doll Elizabeth shares my birthday, if you read her blog. September I just can't believe it! I also got a doll that I decided has my birthday too. I got her as a gift. I re-named her Bailey. It's a H4HG Lilian!!! Thanks for reading, 

Au Revior, Kaye

Wednesday, September 21

Same Thang....

I might be copying Cate on, but I'm not. LOL, that sounded silly,because I didn't tell you the thing I'm copying! I am doing "30 Days of Songs". But my subject's will be different.

First Day: Song you are obsessing over right now.

You're asking me that question? There's a lot I am, but this is my most recent.

It's an unreleased Taylor Swift song. I LOVE IT!!!

Au Revior, Kaye

Wednesday, September 14


I sound really nasal-y,I have no idea why. I have since like 7 in the morning (sister woke me up). And by the way, my sisters will finally say their names. They wanted to write a post, so I decided they could introduce themselves. I typed whatever came out of their mouths. Sorry about Penney!!! She's a bit bad with introducing herself.

1st sister- Hey! My name is Aisha Danielle. I am the next oldest after Kaye. I have caramel colored hair thats at my elbows, and blue-grey eyes. I love to play softball. I'm also on the cheer team! I love to do cartwheels. I have a fish named Minerva, after the character in Harry Potter. My favorite color is bright aqua blue. My room is painted that color, and I have a bed spread the same color. My favorite board game is "Connect Four". I have 6 AG dolls-Kaya Lou-ann, Kit Ariel, Kirsten Marie, Kanani Fern and Karrie Hannah (a MAG 39). All my dolls names have a K, because it's my favorite letter. I gotta go to soccer practice Mom says. ADIOS!

2nd sister- Hello. My name is Penney Joanna. I have brown chin-length hair and hazel eyes. I like to hang out with my friends and try to teach our fat cat Gus to do tricks. It doesn't work out that well. My birthday is December 15. I love my stuffed elephant Gracie. He goes everywhere with me! Gracie is a dude, because Gracie is a dude name. No offense to girls names Gracie. I have a bitty baby and 1 AG doll that I got in New York. The bitty baby's name is Bob and the AG doll's name is Fred. She has dark skin and dark eyes. (Kaye's note- Fred is a MAG 47).They are girls. I have freckles too. I gotta go potty REAL BAD Kaye!!! Can I go now? (Me: Sure.)

3rd sister-HOLA AMIGOS!!! I ate some candy, so sorry for my randomness. My name is Nina Magdalene, and I got brownish hair and blue eyes. I love the historical times. I really don't like talking about myself, because I think it's like bragging. My sister Aisha talked me in to this. Well, she actually gave my some Skittles to get me to do this. I have 7 dolls, most are Just like me dolls. I have Cory (13), Faith (25), Izzy (30), Joan (33), Max(is a girl, 34), Hanna (27) and Addy. I'm done here.

4th and final sister-Kimmy here! Yes, my real name is Kimmy. Kimmy Paloma, to be exact. I love all things "punk rock chic"! I have earrings that are little volume thingies an a pair with guitars. I got my ears pierced back in March, on my birthday. That day, is the second. Same day as my grandfather, Dr. Seuss, and Bon Jovi. I have two AG Dolls-Avril is actually Julie, but I gave her a colored hair clip in pink so she can be Avril Lavigne. The other doll is named Aretha, after the Franklin of Aretha. Or for you's who can't comprehendo, Aretha Franklin. Aretha is a Sonali doll. I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes. I really don't feel like talking now. Plus, Gus needs to be fed. ADIOS AMIGOS!!!!!

Well, thats my sisters for you.

Au Revior, Kaye.

Tuesday, September 13


I can't wait! My birthday is on the 27th. The weekend before (23rd to the 25th), I am going back to my hometown and hanging out with my old BFF'S, Tori, Carolin and Topen! We are going to the boardwalk with Tori's older (and I mean as in over 21) sister Jenni the night of the 23rd, then all of us are sleeping over Tori's. On the 24th, all of us (including two other girls, Aubry (my doll Aubry is based off her, she also has leukemia) and Maddison and Tori's little sister Emmaleigh) are going to this place called "The Outlets". It has tons of usually big stores that are in the shape of small stores. There's a Justice, a Claires and this cute little shop (I don't wanna say the name, because it would kinda give out where I lived) where they sell all these cute little things like key chains, necklaces and even doll house furniture! It's tiny though. There's also this cute little bakery that we love. It has bacon cheddar scones and sweet and salty cookies! It will be so fun! I can't wait! After the outlets, we're going to Maddison and Aubry's (yes, twins) house for another sleepover. That morning, I'm packing my car up and heading home. And all of this is just for me! I feel so loved.

Au Revior, Kaye

Friday, September 9


Can you believe it? I can change my earrings tomorrow! I have some earrings I like from Claires. What ones do you like?
I really like antique and vintage, once you see them, you will understand!

Antique Butterflies-
Carved hearts-
Felt Flowers-
Flower Hearts-
Beaded Hearts-
All-Stars (match my Converse)-
Gummy Bears!-
Peace Signs-
Vintage Flowers-

Which ones do you like best?
Au Revior, Kaye

Thursday, September 8


Remember that doll thing I posted about? Well it wasn't an AG doll. It was a box of girly kiddie movies like "Barbie in Mariposa" and "Air Buddies". I didn't win it anyway. So, no Josefina.


Au Revior, Kaye

Tuesday, September 6

SCHOOL! It was awesome.

Today I had school! I end at 3:15, but I had to go to the hairdresser (aka my mom) and get my dad's hair cut,and I also got a pink feather in my hair! But, this is a school post, not a hair post.
Here's how my school day(I guess I should say s) started (I shall start with yesterday, because I got something awesome yesterday.)
It was about four-ish when I got back from that "Polish Festival" (yes, I did go). I walked down the street to my friend Alyna* (uh-lei-nuh)'s house. Found out she was at Danna*'s house. And at Danna*'s house was my other friends Ella*,Marklyn* and Rosynda*. Then our friend Josh* (yes,a boy,who's Ella* and Ros*'s brother) showed up at our chick party (lol). Ella*,Josh* and Ros* left. Then Danna*'s dad was putting a sign on this nightstand that said (you're listening, right?) said...Free Nightstand.  Can you believe that?!?! So I took it home! And now it's next to my bed. It doesn't match any of my furniture (it's all white,and the nightstand is like a cherry oak color) but it looks like it belongs there. I have my white lamp with  the glow-in-the-dark paint on the shade, a couple of books (on top is the one I'm reading-it's one of Samantha's's The Curse of Ravencourt..READ IT IT'S AWESOME), my cell phone, my lip gloss Caboodle box, my little mini (it's like barbie sized) dresser with necklaces, bracelets, and pins, nail polish and a flashlight. Now you can fast forward about 3's bedtime! I read all of the first book in the "How Did I Survive Middle School?" or something or other among those words series. And then I read a 50 page book. And then I read 1/4 of that Samantha mystery! I really couldn't sleep. So I just shut off the light and layed there. And sooner or later,I fell asleep. I woke up at about 5:30 AM EST. I know. My dad woke up for work at like 6:12 AM. He just let me be up. I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, and ate Frosted Mini Wheats-the Maple Brown Sugar kind. I got dressed in the outfit I have had planned since July-a neon green undershirt, a white v-neck with a poorly drawn dinosaur saying "Rawr" while breathing fire from 5-Below, jeggings and my new Converse-they're grey low tops with multicolor fringe on the edges. I looked awesome! I was ready for school at 8:40 by the time of 7:40. I read more of the Samantha mystery, and soon it was 8:15! Time to go walk with Alyna*, Ella*, Marklyn* and Marklyn*'s twin Lea*! I went to Al* and El*'s house first,then us three went to Marky* and Lea*'s house. We walked the block from Marky* and Lea's block to our school. We got into our classrooms and I found out that only Danna* and Ella* are in my class.(Marky and Lea are in a grade below me). But I have MANY friends! Ashley (you have probably heard of her in my last post) is in my class for our 6th year in a row, and so is my friend Samira*. My teacher is a GUY! Yeah, my teacher is a MAN! LOL...he's the only boy teacher in our school if you don't count the art teacher. But he is really funny!!! That's all I really have to tell...HOPE YOU ENJOYED <3

Au Revior,

*-these names are made up for privacy reasons.

Thursday, September 1

Friendship, Polish-ness, Choices and School

Yep. Out of all us bloggers, I think I'm the only one who has not started school yet. I start Sept. 6. The day before is me and my friend Ashley's 6th friendship anniversary. But here's where I hit a bump in the road. We always celebrate the day of the anniversary. But this year, my mommom just HAD to plan to go to a stupid "Polish Festival"! WE AREN'T EVEN POLISH! (No offense to those readers that are polish) With my 4 other *cough cough*ANNOYING*cough cough* cousins. So I have a choice to make. Either have her beg for $20 from her parents so she can come with us and have the possibility of being grounded and not being able to celebrate the second most important day of our lives together OR I don't go at all to "Polish Fest" and have Ashley sleepover and not have the possibility of being grounded. What would you choose?

Au Revior,